To additionaly help you, you can set it up in a way that shows your auto attack range when you move with right mouse button (RMB).Įxample: Auto attack range will show every time you move In game settings The setting I’m personally using is left mouse button (LMB) as smart cast attack move, right click for moving my champion and mouse button 4 for buying/clicking on map and interacting with HUD. To optimize our gameplay we can bind attack move to mouse button and prevent the confirmation click. To help further you can bind smart casted attack move to a key but you still need to confirm it with mouse clicking which is counter intuitive and takes 2 clicks so at least twice the amount of time it should take! To avoid missclicking i recommend to everyone to use attack move command thanks to it even if you missclick your champion will auto attack the closest target to where you clicked. Warning it might take a while before you get used to this settingsĬan you recall all the times when you died only because you clicked the ground instead of enemy champion? Or how many trades you would have won if you used your range optimaly, but oh well you can’t see it or can you? After applying and getting used to all settings meantioned in this guide you will be the true master of kiting! This guide will show you how to kite perfectly